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Welcome to the The NewsRun’s opinion section! We want to give Pakistanis around the world an effective channel to communicate their unique perspectives. The NewsRun publishes students and professionals in the areas of Politics, Business, Public Policy, Philanthropy, Advocacy, Culture, and Literature. We especially want to highlight voices with less exposure in Pakistan

The views and opinions expressed are those of the authors and do not imply endorsement by The NewsRun

What does the budget mean for the potential of Pakistan’s IT sector? 

Pakistan’s IT industry has pushed ahead, often despite the challenges that the country as a whole faces.

June 27, 2024

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5 fun ways to celebrate 14th August this year 

If you were hoping to make the country’s diamond jubilee celebrations a bit more special, here are five easy ways to do just that! 

August 13, 2022

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Domestic abuse: Pakistan’s ongoing endemic

Pakistan has a dismal track record of violence against women. There is limited legal protection for them that isn’t actively enforced.

August 20, 2021

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A day in the life of an Afro-Pakistani student

Ongoing systematic discrimination against the Afro-Pakistani community has created a vacuum for us due to limited access and opportunities. One of the most common challenges is abject poverty.

February 25, 2021

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Toxic households amidst a global pandemic

While lockdowns are necessary to curtail the spread of COVID-19, the home is not a safe space for all. Alongside women, children stuck in toxic households have become victims of child abuse.

July 19, 2020

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Pakistan needs to stand in solidarity with its own black community, because silence is compliance

In Sindh, a majority of the Sheedi community resides in Lyari. The community has been faced off against poverty, and struggled to empower itself.

June 7, 2020

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